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Title: Kajian Kandungan Senyawa Polifenol Dan Antioksidan Dalam Berbagai Varietas Dan Tingkat Perkembangan Daun Ubi Jalar
Authors: Wijaya, Andika Novanto Putra
Yudiono, Kukuk
Susilowati, Sri
Keywords: Polyphenols
Sweet Potato Leaves
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang
Abstract: Polyphenols have a benefit as one of the antioxidants as well as herbal remedies. Sweet potato leaves is one source of polyphenols which are easy to get because it's often not utilized after the harvest. On the process of metabolism of polyphenols compounds are affected by a variety of factors and the level of development of the leaves. The purpose of this study is to determinate the effect of variety and sweet potato leaf development of polyphenols concentration and antioxidant activity. Analysis was conducted on the polyphenols concentration and antioxidant activity. This research was used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factors and two replications. First factor with four levels of sweet potatoes variety is MSU 03028-10 (variety candidate), RIS 03063-05 (variety candidate), BB 97256-9 (Sawentar) and MSU 99051-1 (Papua Solossa) and the second factor with four levels of the leaves growth which is 1 to 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 12 and 13 to 16. To know the treatment effect, analysis of variance were used also tables F 1% and 5% for comparison F test. And the last is Tukey test. The analysis of variance showed that variety and growth of the leaves of sweet potato leave polyphenols highly significant at 1% for the real level of concentration polyphenol and antioxidant activity. These treatment is recommended to do, so it can get higher concentration polyphenol and high antioxidant activity with variety RIS 03063-05 (variety candidate) and leaf development 1 to 4 that have a concentration polyphenol at 4,0947 mg /g dry ingredients and antioxidant activity of 67,1875%.
ISSN: 24771864
Appears in Collections:BISTEK

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